Gpg: key D1820DB22A11534E: public key "WeeChat Debian Repository " imported
To install WeeChat on Ubuntu 18.04, it's as simple as following the instructions on the WeeChat download page: $ sudo apt-get install dirmngr gpg-agent apt-transport-https Once you start to get comfortable with some of the basics, you'll be much better prepared to navigate the documentation once you understand the basics of how WeeChat works.
Think of this post, however, as a gentle introduction in how to get started with using WeeChat quickly. The WeeChat website already has a lot of good documentation, including a Quick Start Guide, a detailed User's Guide and an FAQ. Today, I'm going to document how I've been using a commandline client called WeeChat to access IRC networks and join various channels. In those posts, I wrote about how to install a web-based client to join networks and chat in various channels.

Grabbing the /list results for listbuffer.py and whose script ArZa, whose script helped me getting started with.David "drubin" Rubin, for his urlgrab.py script, which also served.Nils "nils_2" Görs, for his contributions to which served as.Sebastien "Flashcode" Helleu, for developing the kick-ass IRC client WeeChatĪnd the script which inspired me to write listbuffer.py.That way I can ignore that commit when I pull. Want to have your own version? Bump version in a separate commit! Commit, but do not mess with gemspec, version, history, or README.This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. Add tests for it (even though I don't have tests myself at the moment).See headers of individual scripts for their Changelogs. and if you want to autoload: ln -s *.py ~/.weechat/python/autoload/.mkdir -p ~/src/github/FiXato & cd ~/src/github/FiXato.Python.nyancats, -should the buffer not already exist- and display the When the highlight would get triggered, it will create a new buffer, Dynamically create targetĮxample: /highlight add /(lol|nyan-?)cat/ nyancats Total of 55 buffers: 1 core, 6 server buffers, 43 channel buffers,ģ queries, 2 plugin buffers 10 of them are merged.Īssign target buffers & colours to highlights. Output stats about the number of different buffers.

battlearena use /battlearena stats buy 10 /battlearena +100str /battlearena +10def /battlearena styles /battlearena report Work in Progress script to make playing Battle Arena easier to play A feature requested by Kakazza in #weechat. Show /list results in a common buffer and interact with them. Listbuffer.py (for now still developed in its own repository) Joins for users on the channel with multiple nicknames from the same host. OverviewĪ Clone Scanner that can manually scan channels and automatically scans Discontinuation noticeĪs I lack the time to actively chat on IRC, let alone develop these scripts, this repository is no longer actively maintained, and thus will be archived. My personal repository of scripts for the WeeChat chat client, Scripts I've written to add features to WeeChat I felt were missing.